Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 13 (day four)
As a college freshman, I was challenged by a friend to read 1 Corinthians 13 every day for 30 days. He gave me a small book by Henry Drummond to assist me. The experience was a life-changer. I began to have a picture of what God’s love for me and for those around me really looked like. Not only did I learn what the characteristics of true love were, I was floored by three words in verse 8…Love never fails.
Never? How can that be? Surely we get a few exceptions! But there it is…Love never fails. I wish I could say that it has never failed in my life since then, but I can’t. God constantly uses those three words in my life though to shape and mold the direction of my life. Powerful words …life-changing words…God-honoring words that can change the world! Try reading the chapter for 30 days in a row…see what happens.
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