Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 12:4-31 (day one) 

“On the contrary, it is much truer that the members of the body which seem weaker are NECESSARY. . .on these we bestow abundant honor.”– v 22-23.

It was a familiar analogy in the ancient world.  Even among secular writers.  Human societies are like the body.  Different assignments but one common life and destiny.

“The figure was ordinarily used to urge members of the subordinate classes to stay in their places in the social order and not upset the equilibrium by rebelling against their superiors.” (Richard B. Hays)

Paul uses the image in a very different way!  Rather than attempt to keep subordinates in their place, he urges privileged members to respect and value the contributions of every member.  In spiritual dignity and potency we are all equals!  Diversity, responsibility, respect. . . core values of an amazing new family!

And one of the ways that God teaches these revolutionary ideas is through the church.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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