Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 5 (day five)
Why did no one confront or challenge the sinning member? Maybe they were afraid. Perhaps their perspective was that past experiences or other influencing factors were the cause of his sin. Yes, the world is “fallen” and all of humanity has been effected by its brokenness. We can almost rationalize any behavior (ours and others) with this line of thinking. But our biggest problem is not sin in the broken world (what happens to us and what we experience). The Bible teaches the biggest problem is the sin inside us (Psalm 51:5). Evil inside us attracts us to evil in the world and causes evil actions and motives. God’s grace changes our perspective about ungodly behavior/thinking (ours and others). He changes us from the inside first. We don’t have to be afraid to confess and repent. We don’t have to be afraid to approach our brothers and sisters in Christ with the same grace and hope that God gives us.
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