Where’s the Meat?

Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 3:1-17 (day four)

Paul was pretty tough on the Corinthian church.  He pulled no punches.  As a mentor to these new believers, he believed they needed to know the truth. The times were critical, as well as dangerous.  For the Corinthian church to survive and be useful to the Kingdom work, they had to grow in their faith and understanding.  They had to move past the ‘milk’ stage and reach the ‘meat’ stage.  Paul gives some harsh instructions, but ends this passage with words of hope.  VV.16-17 lets the Corinthians know they are not in this alone…the Holy Spirit dwells in them…the temple of God.

Who are you mentoring and discipling in the faith?  Maybe you believe that you still need the ‘milk’.  As believers, we have a responsibility to learn, and grow, and mature in our faith.  As we grow, find someone to bring along with you.  Meat is especially good when it is shared with another!

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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