Re:Verse reading–1 Corinthians 3:1-17 (day one)
“And I, brothers, could not speak to you as spiritual men, but to men of flesh.”–v 1
Is it possible to genuinely believe in Christ and still live out the desires and agenda of the old, unredeemed life? Can sincere Christians live like the world in action and attitude? Yes. Insert sad emoji. Paul calls it being carnal (fleshly).
Having received the Spirit of God at conversion, the carnal man has not learned (or not obeyed) Christ’s call to crucify the old life. This immature Christian calls Christ Lord, but in his choices and priorities, is a stranger to “life in the Spirit”.
Dangerous territory. “Those who sow to the flesh will reap the harvest that always comes with flesh. Those who sow to the Spirit will reap the glorious results of His life in us.”–Galatians 6:8
Friends, are you filled with God’s Spirit? Are you walking in His power?
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