Re:Verse passage – Jeremiah 29:1-14 (day seven)
You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
The key phrase here is “all your heart”. Your search for God is not cursory, it must be an all-consuming search. The difficulty comes when we have the best of intentions, but our heart is not in it.
What do we do when our head knows that we should desire God more than we do?
What do we do when we really do not want to worship with all our heart?
This morning you may not want God more than you want anything else. You may want lunch more than worship, or you may want a raise more than you want a relationship with God. If that is true of you this morning let me offer a couple suggestions that have helped me in tiresome days. First, repent, confess to God that you know your heart is not in it. Fervently spill your heart out before God asking Him to intervene and redirect your heart. The other step is to act obediently. Even when you don’t want to worship or seek God, suppress the flesh and look up toward our God. Repentance followed by obedience will bring about great blessing in your life softening your heart making it moldable for our God.
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Great thoughts! They remind me of what I once heard an evangelist say about doing revivals, coming home, and debating going to his own church that Sunday when he felt tired and all caught up on worship: “Sometimes God is more interested in your obedience than in your sincerity.”
Great thoughts! Remind me of what I once heard an evangelist say, when he would come home from preaching a revival and not want to go to his own church on Sunday, feeling tired and all caught up on worship: “Sometimes, God is more interested in your obedience than in your sincerity.“