Who He is=How I am

Re:Verse reading—Psalm 23 (day one)

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”–v 1.

Who knows when young David discovered this life-changing connection!  HOW I am rests on (rises directly from) WHO He is.  My condition.  His character.  Same.  Same.

For years (?) David faithfully cared for His father’s sheep.  Silly animals.  Not smart.  Their safety depended on David’s presence and attentive care.

In a profound moment of clarity, David realized that he had the same relationship with God that his sheep had with him.  “I am a sheep” he must have whispered to himself.  “The LORD is my shepherd.”

It is a no-win situation.  I have tried, believe me.  Finding security in self and situation is a useless and anxious endeavor.  Courage comes only (and hope with it) when I look, with David, to the Lord and discover Him strong and near.

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” Isaiah 26:3 (KJV)

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “Who He is=How I am”

  1. Life-changing opportunities will come when we connect with the right people with the right knowledge, authority and power. Connecting with God at the personal level will help us see the right path for moving forward with hope and comfort.

    Hope is the driving force for change of directions or behaviors. The path to life-changing opportunities is the path that God has laid out for all, His Word! Men may provide short-term solutions but only God can provide permanent, long-term solutions. He is God and we can trust and believe in Him! I am convinced!

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