Trust and Obey

Re:Verse reading–Ruth 2:1-12, 17-23; 4:1-14 (day four)

Naomi had a difficult run of circumstances.  She had lost her home, her husband, two sons and her livelihood.  When she returned to Bethlehem, she was embittered.  Even though she trusted God, she was focused on her circumstances rather than Him.  Naomi judged God’s love for her by her circumstances rather than judging her circumstances by God’s love for her.  God’s sovereignty was never demonstrated better than His use of Boaz as the kinsman/redeemer for the family lineage of His promised Messiah.  God’s vast love was being demonstrated and Naomi missed the bigger picture.

Has life brought difficult and maybe unbearable circumstances for you?  Could it be that God is seeking to bring His love and redemption to bear in your life?  Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethlehem with no idea what the future held for them.  They had no clue of the eternal significance of their circumstances.  When it is most difficult, we need to trust in God’s sovereign plan.

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Trust and Obey”

  1. I do buy in with respect to trusting in and obedience to God in all circumstances. Focus on God, not on our problems. Men may provide a quick fix but cannot provide permanent solutions. Only God can as He created us and is in control of our lives.

    Naomi and Ruth’s story tells us beautiful relationship can be built between in-laws through true friendship, love, and loyalty. This friendship shows us the value of loyalty, of unconditional love and of self-sacrifice. Ruth didn’t hesitate to give when Naomi was in need. Ruth is the type of woman I love to be around. She was the daughter-in-law of Naomi but also a true friend. We know that when we’re in trouble or in need, true friends will be there for us while others will walk away.

    Can we find women like Ruth in today’s society? I think maybe but women of Ruth’s character can be rare. Loyalty is what we should aim for!

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