Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 28:3-20; 31:1-6 (day seven)
Psalm 66:18
If I regard wickedness in my heart,
The Lord will not hear;
There are times we feel like Saul. Stuck between a rock and a hard place we cry out to God hoping for relief, but all we receive is silence. It is a heartbreaking reality that drove Saul to a witch. A witch is not usually our first option, but just as blindly, we blame God for being silent.
The deafening distance between you and God is not God’s design. God’s design is for the two of you to be inseparable, but the sin in your heart causes you to drift further and further away from God as if the sound of speech can no longer reach.
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Communication between us and God will shut down if we have no trust and faith in Him. Communication between us and God will shut down if we are drifting further and further away from God. I am convinced that only through true repentance that we can hear God’s voice and have a personal relationship with Him. It seems to me that silence is God’s strategy to test our faithfulness and obedience in Him.
In real life, when we are drifting further and further away from the one with power and authority over us, we are cutting communication. We are in the driver seat! If we want to have good communication and have a real and meaningful connection with the one who has the authority over us, we must show our sincerity and readiness to listen and to follow the instructions. I am sure some of us have used silence strategy sometimes as a way to test one’s character and the degree of one’s good desire to follow instructions. Silence in the organizational context is considered a rethinking or a re-evaluation period.
There are reasons why God is silent. This article provides some insights.
I am convinced God’s love is unfailing but if He is silent, He is either working on the answers or He is in the process of rethinking and re-evaluation of our character and our obedience in Him. Sins will continue to pile up when we drift further and further away from God for sure. What are your thoughts on God’s silence? Keep repenting or turning to other mediums, hoping to get an answer?
Have a Blessed Memorial Day weekend!