I Know

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 24 (day seven)

1 Samuel 24:20 “Now, behold, I KNOW that you will surely be king, and that the Kingdom of Israel will be established in your hand.”

Saul finally said out loud the reality that they had been living for a long time.  Saul finally said, “I know”.  I know what God is doing in this situation.  Sometimes it takes us decades and scars to figure out the will of God, but when we finally look up and say, “I know”, what then?

How are we to respond to God when our hard heads finally realize that God is at work in a situation?  The faithful thing to do would be to immediately drop everything and get in line with God.  More realistically though, we walk the other way like Saul did, going back to the comfort of our own homes.  We are going to face days in our lives when the will of God is contrary to our own desires, when our flesh just wants to run home.  Don’t run.  Resist the flesh by trusting the will of God, and you will see the Kingdom of God in ways you never thought possible.

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Author: Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson is Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “I Know”

  1. We are going to face days in our lives when the will of God is contrary to our own desires. Instead of asking God for the next step and waiting for His answer, we decide to go our separate ways. We often fail to recognize that when God does not provide what we are longing for, it is an indication that God does not want us to do. Going our separate ways, away from God often makes matters worse.

    I believe that God often demonstrates His plan for our lives by lining up circumstances in obvious ways. I have discovered that God is pretty good at opening and closing doors. God often uses closed doors to show us clearly what He does not want us to do, and He also uses open doors at times to show us what He does want us to do.

    I could not agree more, “The faithful thing to do would be to immediately drop everything and get in line with God.” Trusting the will of God is a wise move as His is always better! I am convinced.

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