Musical Remedy

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 16  (day seven)

Let them seek a man who is a skillful player on the harp; and it shall come about when the evil spirit from God is on you, that he shall play the harp with his hand, and you will be well. 1 Samuel 16:16

As Saul’s kingship spiraled out of control the only calm he found was David strumming the harp.  Typically, a harpist would be relegated to the background, left in the halls to fill the court with idle notes, but not David.  David’s music healed.  I hope when we step into worship this morning we are expecting to be healed through the music.  Our music is not meant to be idle or merely entertaining, our music together is more. The music speaks to the glory of God and teaches our theology note by note.  Do not overlook the music as a moment for growth and healing.  A song may be just what you need.

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Author: Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson is Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

5 thoughts on “Musical Remedy”

  1. The music played by Dr. Seth Nelson should be treated as the healing music of David. It is not just entertaining as you said, it is meant to be worship. The music flowing from the pipes of the organ sing out to prepare hearts for worship and service. Have you ever noticed how Dr. Hufty & others sit during the postlude? Some people walk out quietly as the music plays over them. I long for more to realize the beauty and power in the prelude and postlude. I believe more would be blessed by this music if we hold our conversation in the foyer and fellowship halls. There is so much to be heard in the music in the sanctuary.

  2. A truth! Yes, a song may be what we need every day. It is one of the reasons we come to worship the Lord each Sunday. It brings peace, relaxation and happiness overall. Music is a mind, soul and spirit therapy. It heals.

    God bless all!

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