Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 15 (day five)
It is not the name of the deity but the heart of the worshipper that creates idols. – Alexander Maclaren
Saul’s heart was unchanged when he was confronted with his own sin. Samuel challenges Saul’s disobedience. God meant for the battle to be about justice (God focused). Saul saw it as an opportunity for his own status and wealth (self focused). Verse 25- “Now therefore, please pardon my sin and return with me, that I may worship the Lord.” The fact that he wanted to return to ”worship” showed that his heart had not changed. He remained more concerned about his own standing and popularity than obedience to God. Saul is asking Samuel to endorse the celebration so that Saul might appear strong and mighty in the eyes of the people. He never learned this important lesson- The alternative to full surrender is rebellion. Sound harsh? No. Sounds Holy!!
Want to see a clear picture of a king’s heart changed through repentance? Look at Psalm 51
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This blog does touch on the two types of leadership, servant leadership and self-serving leadership. These concepts are critical in building or damaging relationships.
Jesus demonstrated two very significant attributes of servant leadership. He validated and affirmed John in his ministry and submitted Himself to the same acts of surrender to doing the right thing that He would require of others. A servant leader never asks anyone to do something they wouldn’t be willing to do themselves. He or she also realizes that God looks for servants who allow Him to be the leader while the self-serving leader insists that he is the leader and the one in control. More about Jesus will be revealed here:
Self-serving leaders build themselves up and tear others down. They embrace power and seek more and more of it and value self-worth by being in charge, winning over others, and acquiring material things. A servant leader, on the other hand, lifts up others and focuses on the needs of others, especially team members before he or she considers his or her own. Servant leaders acknowledge other people’s viewpoints and perspectives, give them the support they need personally and professionally, involve them in decisions that may affect them, and build a sense of community.
Samuel was the servant leader. Saul was a self-serving leader. There is a difference in their behaviors, styles and approaches. Jesus is a servant leader and led with examples during His Ministry. As followers of Jesus, we need to build on that servant leadership framework to show our compassion, concerns and care for others and in our pursuit to expand the Gospel of Christ.
Anyone can practice servant leadership. We don’t need to be in the position of leadership to practice it. Who are you in the eyes of others? Which leadership framework do you embrace, servant or self-serving?