Seeing myself through God’s eyes

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 9 & 10 (day one) 

“Samuel answered. . . ‘And for whom is all that is desirable in Israel?  Is it not for you and for your father’s household?’ Saul replied, ‘Am I not. . .of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, and my family the least of all the families in the tribe? Why do you speak to me this way?’ “– 9:20-21

It sounded like nonsense!  Samuel saw Saul as a leader for God’s people, a recipient of all resources and authority.  Saul saw himself as a member of an insignificant family and tribe.  Samuel saw big.  Saul saw small.

When I surrender to Christ, I give up the “me” I have known and receive by faith a new (true) identity.  Past sins no longer identify me.  (Forgiven).  Former weakness is not who I am anymore (Empowered)  I was Cephas.  Now I am Peter.

If I am a new person in Christ, I must see myself through God’s eyes.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “Seeing myself through God’s eyes”

  1. Great reminder! Once we turn away from sins and follow Jesus as Lord and Savior, a new identity is formed. The past does not define us.

    What defines us is the path we are committed to follow with all our hearts and minds. We are now identified with Jesus. The new identity is “like Christ” as follower of Christ. It is very comforting to be reminded, “When I surrender to Christ, I give up the “me” I have known and receive by faith a new (true) identity.”~ Don Guthrie

    This blog reminds me of this quote, “My past no longer concerns me. It belongs to Divine mercy. My future does not yet concern me. It belongs to Divine providence. What concerns me and what challenges me is today, which belongs to God’s grace and to the devotion of my heart and my good will.”~~
    St. Francis de Sales

    I feel that being a true Christian is about living a life like Christ. It is no longer about “me” but about the Jesus Gospel.

    Please also read this for your own pleasure, 7 Perks Of Being a Christian!

    I am totally bought, “If I am a new person in Christ, I must see myself through God’s eyes.”

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