
lightstock_73340_medium_mikel“We have sinned against the Lord.” 1 Samuel 7:6

We tend to reinterpret everything individually. We ask, “what does it mean to me?” Rather than, “what does it mean to us?” Not so with the House of Israel. Repentance was not an individual thing, but a corporate thing. Even when the prophet Isaiah had his encounter with God, he declared, “Woe is me! For I am lost; I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.” (Isaiah 6:5)

The truth is, we are far more connected than we realize. We have not only sinned individually, but corporately; we, all together, are a sinful people. We must not only ask the me questions, but also the us questions. We must not only be concerned with ourselves, but also our neighbor, and our church. And where required we must repent (repentance is real change; a genuine turning to God)…together.

In what ways do you think we (not you) need to repent? Ask the Holy Spirit to show us.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Corporateness”

  1. To effect repentance at the corporate level, change must begin with leadership. Leaders shape the culture. Culture is the sum total of the beliefs and actions of everyone in a given society.

    To sustain repentance, leaders in a given structure, family or church, must create a culture of repentance. Collectively, we all can support one another, practice, and build a culture of repentance.

    The Culture of Repentance

    I agreed that repentance is not an individual thing but a corporate thing. Individual repentance can only be sustained in a culture of repentance. Repentance begins with leadership and will channel down to each member in a given society or a structure. Culture can shape or hinder a real change in attitudes or behaviors. Great blog!

  2. The LORD is speaking to me about my lack of concern for those in need of salvation. I know that: “If He be lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself”; but if
    I am a “Great Commission Oriented Christian”; should my Prayer Life include regularly lifting up the names of those who I do not believe have come into a relationship with JESUS, releasing them to the power of the Holy Spirit, asking the LORD if and how I can be a part of the process of speaking with them? Should then our “Church Prayer List” include those without a saving/LORDship knowledge of JESUS?

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