Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 7 (day five) vs. 12 Then Samuel took a stone…and named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” True repentance helps us see and understand God more accurately in the three tenses. It’s in the name of the stone- Ebenezer “Thus far the Lord has helped us”. Only after they repented, the Israelites recognized: 1- God was helping in the past (thru sorrow, defeat, depression) 2- God is helping in the present (joy, deliverance, nearness) 3- God will help in the future (His nature, character, promises are un-changing). There was gratitude for the past. There was joy in the present. There was hope for the future.
Romans 2:4- The kindness of God leads you to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9- not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. Psalm 46:1- God is a very present help.
Anyone want/need that kind of perspective and hope? Repent and believe!!
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Through this story, what a comfort it is to us, believers, that God will be always with us through trials to deliverance! It is hopeful and encouraging knowing that God has been and will be always with believers, past, present and future. He will not give up on us if we trust and believe in Him.
No one is immune from trials of earthly life but we can trust that God will help us and deliver us to something better. I am convinced that true repentance will help us see and understand God more accurately how he works and helps us in various aspects of our lives, past, present and future. God will help us, believers. He is our hope and rescuer.
I truly buy in with repentance as it is the only path to discover and to see the authority and power of God’s divine intervention. There is a good reason to turn to God for help and turn away from Satan and to live a life with a purpose.
“Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts” (1 Thessalonians 2:4b NLT, second edition).
Pleasing God will give us peace, joy, happiness and freedom from fears. I was bought!!