Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 7 (day four)
Samuel was an intercessor for Israel, just like Moses had been. Both men had been set aside for the Lord from birth and they stood in the gap between God and Israel. Moses had stood between Israel and the Egyptians, now Samuel stands before Israel and the Philistines. In both cases, what looked to be overwhelming obstacles to Israel were completely removed from before them. These two men were held in the highest esteem as intercessors. Jeremiah 15:1 says, “Even though Moses and Samuel were to stand before Me, My heart would not be with this people;” God held them up as the ultimate intercessors.
How would you be known to God? Would you be considered a faithful and true prayer warrior? Do others see a visible outpouring of God’s Spirit as a result of your praying? We have a promise…Matthew 21:22…”And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Samuel believed it…Moses believed it…do you?
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I am a true believer of intercessory prayer. It is the key to seeing breakthroughs in our lives and in the lives of those we pray for. This is the kind of prayer we really need if we expect a transformation. I believe in persistence and never giving up in prayers!! We will press on until we see a breakthrough! God is persistence, never gives up; and we will be persistent and never give up!
In addition to Matthew 21:22, this verse resonates with me as it relates to this blog, “Everyone who asks will receive, everyone who searches will find, and the door will be opened for everyone who knocks” (Luke 11:10). These words stay with me and I remember by heart. Ask and receive, search and find, open and knock! Keep asking and knocking until receiving God’s answers!
We will keep asking, seeking, and knocking. I believe in intercessory prayer as we will reap a transformation for our lives, for our loved ones, family, friends, the nation, and the lives of those around us. Intercessory prayer is the model and is the way we communicate with God for a breakthrough. I am convinced!!
Thanks for an informative blog. In addition to Jesus, we can learn of Moses and Samuel’s intercessory model!