Parents in Prayer

Re:Verse reading–1 Samuel 1 (day four)

It’s called ‘setting the stage’ or ‘giving the backstory’ or ‘introducing the characters’.  Knowing Samuel’s story helps us to understand who he is and why he acts the way he does.  Samuel was not only given to the Lord’s service in the Temple, his parents supported and encouraged his commitment to the Lord all of their days.  Samuel’s dedication to the Lord by his parents led to a life of faithful service all of his days.

We do the same…we have baby or home dedication where we bring our new child before the church to present him to the Lord and to pray for his faithfulness.  It’s a commitment to raise him in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  Are your children grown?  It is never too late to pray Scripture for your children.  Parents have a special place of prayer for their children.  What a special privilege.  Don’t miss the opportunity and blessing!

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Parents in Prayer”

  1. Good reminder about the important role of parents in influencing and shaping the future of their children. Parents are more successful in achieving their vision for their children, based on my personal experiences, when they start leading and shaping their children’s daily conducts in the early stages of their lives. They are there for them from day one, act on, encourage and support their children to commit to the vision they have for them along the way.

    Hannah had the vision for her son, Samuel, to serve the Lord and she committed to achieve her vision for Samuel. The role of parents is to support and to encourage our children to commit to a cause that is bigger than ourselves, whether for Christ, for the nation, or for the common good.

    In this story, Samuel’s parents committed to their vision for Christ, supported and encouraged his commitment to the Lord all of their days. They succeeded in their vision! Everything starts with parents!

    Great post to remind us all that we, parents with a vision for a common good, can be more successful in shaping our children’s future in accordance to our vision for them if we start our efforts in the early stages of their lives, support and encourage them along the way.

    As I conclude my thought on this topic, this quote comes to mind, “Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.”~~John C. Maxwell

    Samuel’s parents made their choice for him and their choice made Samuel we know of in his service to the Lord. Their vision for Samuel is a huge success! May your vision for your children a success!

    Vision drives actions. Actions matter as through actions, one’s character is formed!

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