Great Commission

Re:Verse reading–Luke 24:1-12, 33-49 (day seven)

We all know the Great Commission.  As Matthew records Jesus’s words in chapter 28 they are sweeping and grand.  Jesus empowers the church to go and disciple all.  It is beautiful, but it does not tell you what the disciples taught baptizing throngs of people.  Surely, they taught Jesus Christ and Him crucified, but there was a highly specific reason Jesus went to the cross that must be conveyed.

Hear Luke’s version of the Great Commission:   and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.  Luke 24:47.

The content is to repent.  The message is Christ crucified, our response is repentance.  The power of the cross is that we can now be reoriented back to God.  Our lives have strayed many miles away from God’s intention.  Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we can come back and be made right before our Heavenly Father once again.  When we knell before God in confession the cross is glorified and all is made right in our world.

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Author: Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson is Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “Great Commission”

  1. We should be reminded often of a specific reason Jesus went to the cross. Was specific reason the salvation of sinners?

    I think we all should be taught the nature and necessity of repentance in order to receive the forgiveness of our sins. I am convinced that we need to seek for these blessings (forgiveness of our sins and salvation) by faith in the name of Jesus Christ.

    What other blessings one will receive through repentance? I see inner peace. What do you see? God bless!

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