Terrifying Thought

Re:Verse reading–Luke 24:1-12, 33-49 (day five) 

There are several times mentioned that the disciples were scared, troubled, afraid, and confused. However, the most terrifying thought comes at the end of this passage in verse 45 (Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures). These were not new converts or people mildly interested in Jesus and His teaching. These were the close followers, the ones who didn’t drift away, the ones who left their nets. Yet, they still had not understood the scriptures and words of Jesus, even after three years of watching, listening, and walking with Jesus.

If their understanding was lacking and needed supernatural help and encouragement, then our own faith and understanding probably does too. Each and every time we read the scriptures, hear a sermon, or pray, we must ask and beg the Lord through the Holy Spirit to help us understand and apply the truth(s) God would have us realize and practice. “A humble and prayerful spirit will find a thousand things in the Bible which the proud self-conceited student will utterly fail to discern”- J.C Ryle

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

One thought on “Terrifying Thought”

  1. I could not agree more, “each and everytime we read the scriptures, hear a sermon, or pray, we must beg and ask the Lord through the Holy Spirit to help us understand and apply the truth(s) God would have us realize or practice.”

    I truly believe that the power of the Word of God to transform our lives cannot happen, it cannot be realized or practiced, if we don’t know the Word or don’t understand the Scriptures.

    Thanks for a well thought out blog!

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