
Re: Verse reading–Luke 16:19-31 (day six) 

The last books (chronologically) in the Old Testament where written about 400 years before Jesus was born. The books of Moses were written another 1100 years before that. That was old then, and it is old now. Antiquated. But listen to how Jesus spoke of these Scriptures, “Moses and the prophets,” as if their words weren’t antiquated at all. These weren’t archaic voices from the ancients, but God-breathed words put to paper meant to quicken the dead hearts of men and women until the end of time. God’s voice is as clear and relevant now, as it was when He first inspired Moses and the prophets to write them.

When we come to God’s Word, we are not coming to an old thing, but we are coming to words spoken by a person, to us NOW. Let’s not take them for granted like the rich man and his brothers.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Listen”

  1. God’s Word is never outdated. God is a living God so is His Word. We see God’s Word in action every time a sinner repents and turns to Christ for eternal life, every time a sinner listens and repents!

    Christians believe the word of God can be trusted in every way. God’s Word speaks what is true, commands what is right, and provides what is good. Humans will create confusions and mistrust. God’s Word will provide the truth, clear guidance and directions! Whose word should we trust? My answer will be God’s!

    God’s Word is firmly fixed in Heaven. It has not changed for two thousand years. It doesn’t change and will never change. His Word is original and authoritative and is the only source humans can trust and listen attentively. I am convinced!

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