Re: Verse reading–Luke 16:19-31 (day one)
“There was a certain rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen, gaily living in splendor every day. And a certain poor man named Lazarus was laid at his gate, covered with sores, and longing to be fed with crumbs.”–v 19-21.
Some read these vivid words from Jesus as a general condemnation of rich people and a promise of universal blessing to the poor in the coming age. In a “class struggle” (Marxist view of history), God will side with the oppressed. So the narrative goes.
Others hear a more nuanced message aimed at the heart of every man. The man was not condemned because he was rich, but because he was extravagantly rich AND extravagantly unconcerned. (Lazarus was no stranger. The rich man saw him every day, or should have)
Do you think Heaven notices how we spend money? Is it a damnable crime to not care? Jesus thought so.
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Great topic, God or money. I strongly believe that we cannot walk both ways at the same time. If one’s heart focuses heavily on money, God will be an afterthought! If God is the focus in life, people will tend to grasp the opportunities to serve God. Money will become an afterthought. So God first or money or money first or God. It seems impossible to focus on God and money at the same time without hardship! In reality, at certain phase in one’s life, one must decide what matters most, God or money!!
It is an alarming concern, “The man was not condemned because he was rich, but because he was extravagantly rich AND extravagantly unconcerned. (Lazarus was no stranger. The rich man saw him every day, or should have).” It is good, through this story, to know that wealth is not a sin; but unconcerned and uncaring attitude toward those whose life is in crisis or in real need is a sin! We would think God blesses those with wealth so they can, in turn, bless others and do God’s will for His glory; or God will take away and give to those who can fulfill His will for the earth for His glory! Definitely, God knows how we spent or want to spend our money or wealth. He expects those He Blessed with wealth or money use it in the manner that glorify Him.
God loves all but is more concerned for the lost, the unfortunate and the poor. He is a loving, caring, kind and compassionate God and leader. The lesson learned for us from this story is four-folds: 1) God looks at the heart as it is the core for our attitude, behaviors and actions; 2) If God blesses us with wealth or money, find ways to please Him and to glorify Him; 3) wealth is not a sin but unconcerned and uncaring attitude is; 4) choose to follow God in our daily conduct to minimize selfishness and blinded pursuit of money or wealth!
Thanks for a great post! Good reminder of what matters most to one’s life: God or money or God and money!! Whichever one chooses, think of the benefits and consequences of one’s choice!