Re:Verse reading–Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 (day five)
The effects of sin are clearly portrayed in the heart and life of the younger son. His sin separates him (by his own choosing) from his father.
The older brother has sin he must deal with as well. The effects are more subtle, yet just as damaging. He was unable to see and sense the grace and kindness of his father. He perceived obstacles rather than opportunities. He demonstrated worry rather than worship. Without ever changing locations, he was just as “far away” from his father as the younger brother.
It’s time to examine our hearts (believers/older brothers)!! Do we still sense and see the grace and kindness of God at work in the world? Do we rejoice and worship when God saves and restores human hearts?
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The parable of the younger brother is an amazing and wonderful story. It reveals God’s love, caring and concerns for those whose spirit are far away from God and his rejoicing when the lost souls return to Him and repent so all can be part of His eternal family. It reveals God’s value for every soul.
This story reflects reality. We will focus on our search for an item that is of value to us. And we celebrate when our valued item is found! The Father rejoiced and celebrated when the younger son found His way back to the Father through repentance. Who would not open up one’s heart and arms to welcome a lost child back to the family when he or she knew and admitted mistakes, repented, and sought for forgiveness?
In this story, imagine how happy the Father was in having both sons under the same family roof! It was an extraordinarily happy reunion! Imagine how excited you would be when you will have the opportunity to reunite with a long lost family member or a long lost friend whom you value and care about! Imagine how happy you were when you searched and found the only car key that was lost while you were on a trip!!
I see the theme of repentance repeatedly in the parable of the two brothers that Jesus taught us. Each brother had a need for repentance. The older brother revealed to us his selfishness and jealousy toward his lost younger brother. He did not see that he had his Father all the time while his younger brother was far away and separated from home and the Father and missed all the good time that he had enjoyed.
Through this story, I see God’s desires for all of us, sinners, to repent so we all can be part of His eternal family. Hopefully, through evangelism that the Kingdom of God will have a big celebration and when the “Lost and Found” Department in Heaven will bear the big sign, “All God’s missing children were found. Let’s celebrate one big eternal family.”
Have you thought of that one big happy family day? Until then, I think, the “Lost and Found” Department on earth will continue to open its doors widely and push forward in the search for the lost and to bring them back to God! The importance of repentance cannot be underestimated!! I am sure none of us wanted to be left out of God’s Kingdom.