
Re:Verse passage – Luke 4:1-13 (day five)  And the devil said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.”

There is striking similarity in the strategy of Satan in the temptation of Jesus and the temptation and fall of man.  Satan calls into question the truthfulness of God in order to create confusion and uncertainty about the nature and character of God.  “Is His Word true?”  At stake in these temptations and responses is the character of God. Can we really believe Him?  Can we really trust Him?  Can we count on Him to keep His promises?  Scripture says “Yes!” ” A thousand times Yes!!”  The temptation was more about the trustworthiness of God than the identity of Jesus.  Jesus models the correct perspective.  Is our faith and trust in God and His Word bigger than our self-image and self-esteem?

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

One thought on “Questioning”

  1. We all should agree that Satan’s temptation was to break trusting relationship between Jesus and His followers or potential followers! Trust is essential in any relationships so building trust is critical for keeping effective communication and relationships intact! Trusting relationship holds people together and holds internal and external process together. Without trust, people assume self-protective, defensive posture that inhibits open and honest communication, organizational learning and competitive advantage.

    We can observe and see the difference in communication and interrelationships among leaders and employees and how employees perform in an organization that has a high level and a low level of trust. Trust does matter more than anyone can imagine. Satan understands trust element is critical to build followers, is essential for any relationships, groups or organizations and will use distrust intervention to cause doubts and suspicions in the minds and hearts of Jesus’ followers or potential followers!

    Trust is a social and political capital. Without trust, especially a lack of it, open and honest communication and engagement will shut down. Without trust, the desire for affiliation with Jesus or to believe and to follow God through Jesus will die or shut down.

    Trust and distrust affect what people believe about other people and how people interpret other people’s actions and intentions. Trust and distrust are attitudes that affect the way people think, feel, and act. Trust also affects a person’s understanding of other people, his or her sense of who he is or she is and what he or she is doing. I did an extensive research on the subject of trust at my doctoral level!

    I could not agree more about the intent of Satan, “the temptation was more about trustworthiness of God than the identity of Jesus.” What factor is crucial to you in building business or personal relationship? What factor is important to you in building open and honest communication and in your personal and organizational engagement?
    What questions will you ask before committing yourself for a cause or becoming a follower?

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