Troubling words

Re:Verse reading–Luke 1:1-38 (day one) 

“And she was greatly troubled at this statement, and kept pondering what kind of salutation this might be.”–v 29

“Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright.”–Joseph Mohr

Sing it all you want, but it will not be the whole truth.  When God touches the world, calls you to His purpose, it is not always calm.  Not even close.  When Mary told Luke the story of the angel visit she described it as upsetting.   A crisis.  Troubling.

But doubt didn’t delay her trust!  Even with her old goals shattered (and probably some of her old friendships,too) Mary rested in God and His plans for her life.  She had no expectation that truth was supposed to be comfortable.

Is it wonderful when God touches the world?  Yes!  Is it calm and convenient?  Easy to understand or accomplish?  Not always.

When God upsets your world, will you still trust Him?


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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “Troubling words”

  1. Mary trusted God and it could be the reason she obeyed God’s plan for her life even though she was shocked, very concerned and probably was amazed at the same time with what she heard from the angel. Because of her trust in God, she went along and responded the way God desired for her life. Mary received God’s vision for her life and she opened her heart and mind to obey God’s vision! What Mary received from the angel was not a dream; it was a vision. God decided and she obeyed!!

    Trust is the driving force for all decisions that are considered beyond the normal or customary. Trust or mistrust! When we trust someone, we don’t want to break that trust! Breaking trust is breaking relationship. Building trust and growing it take time, patience and determination. Her trust in God for her life was so strong that she would not feel ashamed to be pregnant while she was a virgin! God was above personal comfort, cultural acceptance and social norms.

    God can change the world if He desires so. He could destroy this existing world and create a new one in His own image if He desires so. God is loving, caring and just so when God decides, no one can stop Him. When God intervenes, we cannot predict what the outcomes will be! But we can trust that His decisions will be just!

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