Next Assignment

Re:Verse reading–Acts 20:17-38 (day one)

“And now, behold, bound by the Spirit, I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit solemnly testifies to me. . .that bonds and afflictions await me.”–v 22-23.

It was not going to be easy.  Paul’s next assignment.  The past years had often been hard, painful, taxing.  The next chapter looked like more of the same.

Inspiring, isn’t it!  These men.  Bond slaves of Christ.  Willing to suffer, to face any hardship so long as they knew He was with them.  Tradition says that Paul was eventually beheaded.  Peter was crucified upside down.

A sign of spiritual integrity and maturity.  Obedience to Christ is the goal.  It is never measured against personal peace or comfort.  Dangers are faced.  Fears denied.  Friends left behind.  All for love of Christ.

The world is better because they were willing. What is His next assignment/duty for you?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

One thought on “Next Assignment”

  1. Obedience always comes with the cost and reward no matter where we are and to whom we work for. There are always resistance forces to any changes no matter what we do. There are always competing forces from all sides. There are always hidden agendas from Satan. God has no hidden agendas. He is transparent!

    Paul worked for the Lord and walked with the Lord by faith and through the Holy Spirit. By faith, Paul knew God was with him all the way. Faith was a huge motivating factor for Paul to move forward in his commission despite the challenges he predicted ahead of him. Past challenges could be a predictor for future challenges. Paul trusted God with all his heart and worked hard for the Lord. The Lord is his only goal and he succeeded.

    This blog reminded me of this verse, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”~ Colossians 3:23, NIV

    No matter to whom we work for and for what purpose or goal that matters most to us, how can we fail if we put our minds and with all our hearts into it? I strongly believe that when we love the mission, we will see more opportunities than challenges or roadblocks and we will serve with all our minds and hearts. The mission matters! Paul’s love for the Lord and for the mission of Christ’s Gospel were so evident through his personal commitments and personal hardships!

    Love and trust in the Lord drive obedience and commitments. Love for Christ drives one’s mind and heart to please Him. Love has no physical boundaries. From my perspective, one can show his or her love for Christ and work for Him wherever he or she is and by speaking God’s truth whenever and wherever one sees an opportunity to make a difference for Christ’s sake. If you have some personal influences, grasp the opportunities to build the Gospel and to build personal friendships and fellowships.

    Obedience is the tool for us to be close to Him. Disobedience to God is what Satan desires for us. It is wise to choose obedience. Good children obey. Obedience and God’s rewards go hand-in-hand. Obedience will always come with a personal cost but the reward for joy in the Lord and a peaceful life outweighs any personal costs.

    What are your potential costs and benefits for obedience? How do you view challenges? What drives you to work for the Lord? And What are your experiences?

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