Re:Verse reading–Acts 17:10-12, 16-34 (day four)
The word is ‘sovereign’. God is sovereign over all. Look at verse 26…God made every nation and people, He determined their appointed times, and He even determined the boundaries of their nation. There are many today who believe they are in control…that they control the destiny of their nation. Dictators that believe they can conquer and control other nations and add to their kingdom. It is God who is in control…He is sovereign…He has complete control and authority over the nations. Regardless of what one despot thinks or another, apart from God’s plan, their plans to change the world map will not succeed.
God is also sovereign in our lives. We might outwardly acknowledge that He is in control of our lives, but how much do we live that belief? Stop and reflect on what ‘complete control and authority’ means in your life. Does your life demonstrate submission to the sovereignty of God?
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I strongly believe that none of us, as followers of Christ, who knows Christ as Lord and Savior, would deny God as the living and true God with the absolute and supreme authority over all creations and all nations on earth. God is the highest above all.
I believe God grants us the freedom to choose how we live our lives, our way or God’s way. Everyone can exercise his or her free-will to take either direction, right or wrong, good or bad, righteous or evil but we must prepare for His judgement. Will we succeed to live a happy and joyful life without limitations or boundaries, especially spiritual boundaries! We will be lost and confused for sure! Boundaries give us a sense of directions!
Good reminder and good question, “God is also sovereign in our lives. We might outwardly acknowledge that He is in control of our lives, but how much do we live that belief?”
God is absolute sovereign over our lives, the whole universe, over every nation, over every person, over every situation. All is subject to His approval, decision, authority and judgment.
God must approve any changes people want for themselves or for the world map but will He? I think He may modify His Will and His original plan if what people want is within His will and if what people want will advance His gospel and will glorify Him. God has complete control and authority over the nations and people. He is just so He will answer which direction He will approve or not approve. We just have to be patient for His answer!
God limits what His creation can do! We are bound by His absolute power and His supreme authority. It is absolutely impossible to go against God’s will and His universe authorities! All earthly and national authorities must line up with God’s absolute and supreme authority for them to succeed and to sustain.
God grants men limited authority, not unlimited authority. He will take away if men misuses it! Who has the authority over your household and how is it in relation to God’s instructions and authority?