Object Lesson

Re:Verse reading–Acts 17:10-12, 16-34 (day two)  

For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar…vs. 23a

Why do we love children’s sermons so much? It’s true that we often get as much out of those few moments as the kids, and sometimes more. In that brief time our pastors often find an object that the kids can connect with. A picture, a toy, a book, etc. These “objects” become the focus of a larger lesson. Its a pretty effective teaching model. Begin at a place where both teacher and student can relate, and then expand on their understanding of a broader topic.

Paul did just that. These Athenians were accustomed to discourse and welcomed a new way of thinking. Paul simply met them where they were. He didn’t have to manufacture his witness. He was aware of his audience and their understanding of the world. One of our core commitments at FBCSA is to seek out meaningful opportunities to witness. Start where they are, and let your knowledge of Jesus fill in the rest.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

One thought on “Object Lesson”

  1. Good blog on learning and teaching methodologies. How people learn and develop depends on their life cycle and where they are in their life cycle. In general, children learn differently from adults. Meeting the mind of learners is critical for designing a lesson plan and for instructional designs.

    For learning to be effective and for retention of new information, we, as adults, need to see a need for learning first. We must be “thirsty” for growth and for learning opportunities. Understanding the learning needs, meeting the mind and learning style of learning participants are critical in any learning and teaching opportunities.

    Kids are more able to make connections between things. They become “detectives” and are able to see clues and put them together while adults define and make connections by their education, experiences, values and philosophy. Adults are ready to learn when the need arises. Adults learn when they to choose to learn and commit to learn when they can connect learning to their own unique personal or work situations.

    Paul met the needs and minds of the Athenians. They were ready for a new way of thinking. They were ready for a transformation. When people are ready for change, opportunities for positive influence are unlimited!

    Understanding learning audience is critical for teaching and learning effectiveness. We just need to make sure they are ready to learn or to hear and will be able to transfer what they learn or hear to practice.

    Paul was a great teacher and trainer. He reached the right audience at the right time! The Holy Spirit led him in his walk for God’s glory! No one can succeed without God! He is in all things!

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