What Does Christian Joy Look Like?

Re:Verse reading–Acts 16:11-34 (day five) 

In our Re:Verse passage this week, the work and ministry that establishes the church in Philippi begins. Years later the major theme in Paul’s letter to the believers in Philippi would be JOY. “ Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you.” “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” Joy was something these Christians had seen firsthand when Paul and Silas were there. So, when Paul encourages them to have joy, they knew what it looked like. I suspect they remembered events from Acts 16.

Faithfully sharing the Gospel- 6:13-14 (“things spoken by Paul”)

Acting with courage- 6:18-19 (Paul confronted wrongdoing and evil)

Worship during suffering and persecution- 6:25 (“praying and singing hymns of praise”)

Service and Ministry to others 6:33-34 (“washed their wounds”, “set food before them”)

What would this kind of joy look like in our hearts and lives in 2017?

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

One thought on “What Does Christian Joy Look Like?”

  1. Your question: what does Christian joy look like?
    My answer: Christians experience joy as they see themselves becoming more and more like Christ.

    How can we measure joy? Is that about wisdom and character like Christ and about service to Christ? How is about joy in progress?

    From my perspective, joy comes from having faith and trusting in the Lord and from rejoicing in our love for Christ and God, the Father. When all believers can act and behave like Christ and act in God’s glory to fulfill God’s work of salvation on earth, the Kingdom of God on earth is near!

    Joy and rejoice in the Lord are the goal! Great reminder about faith, righteousness, worship the Lord, service and Ministry to others. Great goals to aim for.

    What is God’s status on the work of salvation? I am sure the Holy Spirit wants to complete God’s work on salvation before Jesus returns. Is salvation a permanent gift to Christians from God or it must be earned? Do you still have faith in God or faith is the work in progress?

    2017 is the work in progress. Joy will be permanent when all nations and all people will know the Good News, share the Good News, and rejoice in the Lord! Let’s pray for this permanent day!

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