Becoming All Things to All People

Re:Verse reading–Acts 11:1-26 (day six)

The vision was God’s way of saying to Peter, “You are free to become all things to all people.” Paul would express the same truth later when writing to the Corinthians. For Paul missions was removing any and all unnecessary obstacles so that everyone could hear the Gospel. He would do whatever it took, even giving up dearly held and entrenched traditions if he had too. As he could, he would bend and yield to the traditions and customs of others (eat their food, speak their language, wear their clothes) so that he could tell the story of Jesus without any hindrance.

So, truly Peter’s vision was perhaps God’s first lesson on how to do missions; how to go about making disciples. With further reflection surely they must have realized that was precisely what Jesus had done. He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. (Philippians 2:6-7) Jesus is the best teacher.

What would it look like for us to put this lesson into practice in our communities? How about with the community immediately surrounding the church facility?


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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Becoming All Things to All People”

  1. God’s vision is to spread His saving grace to all nations and to all people across the globe. He created diversity on earth and His purpose is to be glorified when His chosen people reach out to those who are culturally diverse with the good news of His saving grace.

    To bring God’s message of His saving grace to all people and to all nations, God’s chosen people should understand the culture of those they want to reach out and to overcome all cultural barriers, if any. They can communicate with them effectively and to give these people the opportunity to feel comfortable toward them and to hear God’s Word.

    Understanding one’s culture is important in outreach efforts. God’s chosen people cannot achieve God’s purpose for His gospel if they only focus on certain groups of people or on their own culture. I can imagine how joyful it will be when the surrounding communities with diverse cultures and diverse people join the same church.

    God created diversity and I am certain He wanted to see diversity in His church. Our spiritual life and spiritual experience will be enriched with cultural diversity. The task for doing missions is not easy, but I believe God will lead those He chose through the Holy Spirit how to approach just like He led Peter in His work with the Gentiles.

    I totally agreed that Jesus is the best teacher! He gave Peter the first lesson how to do missions. I am sure God chose those who do missions and provide clear directions. God has a plan for who is doing what and when for His glory! Pray and He will lead!

    Doing missions is a God’s calling and God is good in staffing and in preparing His pool of personnel for missions! I am convinced that not everyone is qualified by God to do missions!

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