Could This Be Our Epitaph?

Re:Verse reading–Acts 11:1-26 (day four)

They are words that would be an excellent epitaph…”And I remembered the word of the Lord.”  (V. 16) The Holy Spirit brought to Peter’s mind what Jesus had taught them.  Then, Peter applied that insight to the present and acted on it.  Wouldn’t you want to encounter a need or opportunity and then “remember the word of the Lord”?  There was no arguing once the source of authority was identified.

What was the result of Peter’s obediently acting on the word of the Lord?  The Gentiles received the repentance that leads to life.  As believers in Christ, this should be our desire…that our lives would lead others to a saving faith, a repentance that leads to life.  This experience was against everything that Peter had been taught as a Jewish boy.  He chose to follow the word of the Lord though, rather than his emotions or feelings.  God’s Word is not always in sync with the popular culture or opinions of the day, but it will never fail to lead others to God and bring Him glory!

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “Could This Be Our Epitaph?”

  1. In general, when an authority for an action is established, there will be no arguments, confusions, disputes or abuses. God is the authority on earth and of all nations and of all people in all walks of life.

    God’s Word is authentic and is the only source of authority for believers. There are so many competing earthy authorities that influence our actions, attitudes and behaviors for physical and economic survival but may be in contrary to God’s Word. When in doubt or when we are confronted with uncertainties and confusions, as believers, the best approach to take is to lean for God’s Word.

    Using emotions or feelings in making decisions can lead to unwise decisions that can cause undesirable consequences down the road. For believers, the only authority is the Bible, God’s Word! Safe and sound in our walk with God!

    Obedience to God is a safe spiritual journey! Go for it!

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