Re:Verse reading–Acts 11:1-26 (day one)
“I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Get up, Peter; kill and eat.’ But I said, ‘By no means,Lord’ “–v 7-8.
God never changes. However, circumstances do. Often.
Like a quarterback who comes to the line of scrimmage, sees the defensive line up and exercises his prerogative to change the play, the Father, in Acts 11, calls an “audible”.
For 1500 years, the Jewish nation observed “kosher” laws that symbolized their “separation” from the nations. It was a strict law. Rigid custom. No wonder (no excuse, but, still, no wonder) that Peter resisted the change.
With this vision, the Father opened a new chapter of salvation history–years of gospel expansion to all people without regard to race or ethnicity. All foods are clean. All Gentiles are welcome.
Will you be ready when God brings a new chapter and gives you a new assignment? Are your ears tuned and heart soft to an audible from God?
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I have always believed that God is unshakable. It is comforting to know that He does change circumstances-based. That would explain why we pray. I guess God’s choice of who will be rescued from God’s wrath is not based on foreseen faith. I do believe God had already chosen people He wanted to utilize to spread His messages of salvation to all nations and to all people when He created the world!
Our faith in God is part of God’s plan because He chose us! As creator of the earth and as God created us in His own image, He knows what is in our hearts and minds. He knows our souls. He knows when He calls on someone to serve His will, it will be a go! God could create a rebellion heart and change to obedient heart for His glory of His choosing. He can change one heart if He chooses so!! Nothing is impossible to God because He is the creator!! He can shape us in anyway He chooses to advance His will! Leaders can influence but God must provide and shape the direction that He approves! What God shapes and approves must be His way!
I believe God has the timetable for everything, from the time we joined this earth and the time we say “good bye” to this earth. We have no freedom to choose. God probably has a book of names and the timetable for who will be doing what and when to accomplish His agenda for the universe. I am sure when God’s time for someone to take on His assignment, the chosen person will hear from God.
How do we hear from God for service? I do think the Holy Spirit will lead us to hear His voice and His calling either from the Bible or from God’s servants. God will utilize all resources at His disposal for us to carry out His will and to complete His plan. God chose folks to serve Him. God is always right in staffing the pool of His servants. It is a distinct honor and a privilege to be chosen by God to serve Him. I would be honored and humble to be part of God’s servant team whenever God sends me!
What are your thoughts on God’s voice? Have you heard His voice? How do you know when God speaks to you?