Re:Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-31 (day six)
We have all (if you are in Christ) been rescued from our Damascus road. Each had set our feet on a path in opposition to Jesus, just like Paul over 2000 years ago. And like Paul we had an encounter with Jesus that led to our change of heart and our rescue from a path that was leading to destruction.
Where are your feet now? Where do your steps lead? Here’s the thing, Jesus invites us (even commands) into a life filled with purposeful steps, not a life of meandering.
Do you feel like you are meandering in life? Jesus says, “that’s not what I have for you.”
Let’s learn to walk with purpose.
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Good topic. It is always good to re-examine where we are now and how to get to where we want to be. It is our strategic planning process. Are we on the right track to get to our planned destination?
Having a purpose in life helps us live a meaningful and happy life. Having more to live for is far more important than to having more in order to live. In my view, until we discover what our passion is and why we do as we do, we are not living with real purpose! We can even waste our time and God-given resources. We need to be able to answer the “what” and the “why” or a redirection is needed. From family, to community and to society, have you asked yourselves why you do what you do and for what purpose and for whom??
I find life is more meaningful when we live an intentional life, understand why we do what we do and where it will lead. I cannot imagine living or working without a purpose for something or without knowing and understanding the mission. Why do we work and for what purpose? Why do we live and for what purpose? Why do we go to church and for what purpose?
What are your questions for a meaningful spiritual life? What do you care most? What matters most to you? Why do you do what you do and for what purpose? And for Whom?