Re:Verse reading–Acts 9:1-22, 26-31 (day four)
Many had come to know Jesus in the recent days…3,000 at Pentecost, 5,000 at Peter’s second sermon. All of these and more were now disciples of Jesus. What was different about Saul? God had special plans for Saul…He was going to show Saul how much he must suffer for Jesus’ name sake. Saul would be a missionary to the gentiles and kings, as well as the sons of Israel.
Saul could have rejected God’s plan for his life, but he didn’t. He was immediately baptized and began to preach and witness in the synagogues. Saul was a man with a mission!
What about you? Has God asked you to do something that you have not yet done? Are you holding out for a better assignment? God will not give you a new assignment until you have been obedient to His first command. More obedience…stronger character…bigger assignment! Maybe you too can be shipwrecked and imprisoned…like Saul.
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It is amazing to see how God transformed Saul from killing Christians to becoming a missionary. The Lord changed Saul’s ways and his heart. Saul messed up but God forgave him and used Him to turn to God and to spread the gospel of Jesus.
There are lessons to be learned from Saul’s example: 1) God can use anyone for His glory; 2) God forgives our mistakes if we turn to and obey Him; 3) once God chooses us to serve Him, He will be with us along the way and all the way; 4) God has a big plan for our future; 5) as human beings, God knows we are not perfect. God did not make us perfect but created us in His own image with human flaws; 6) we are not defined by our past. In other words, our past does not define our future; and 7) there is hope for a spiritual excellence if we follow Jesus.
What are lessons learned for you from Saul’s example of conversion? He obeyed the Lord and was transformed to one who served and pleased God. I cannot imagine what could have happened to Saul and to Christianity if he went his way and not God’s way. I am convinced that when God calls upon us to do something, He has already given us the strengths and the tools to succeed for His glory. God converted Saul and He can choose to convert us at any time. “God asks and we do” is a great principle to act on!