Spirit-filled witness

Re: Verse reading–Acts 2:1-41 (day seven)

“And they began to speak. . .as the Spirit was giving them utterance.”–v 4

When I was a young believer, I was made to feel guilty for not “sharing my faith”.  I don’t know whether this was intentional, or not.  I do know that I was told, again and again, that it was my “duty” to present Christ to everyone I met–strangers, members of my family, roommates, people I sat beside on airplanes.  And, the less I did so, the more guilty I felt.

I wish someone had helped me focus on the Holy Spirit.  Him–the Great Communicator. Me–the conduit and co-laborer.  I wish they had helped me read Acts 2.  When He fills with power. . .we speak.  Not something forced and awkward.  Joyful witness!

I am reminded again today and with a grateful heart.  HE gives power.  HE draws men to Himself.  HE gives utterance.  The focus is never on me.

Out Not Up

Re: Verse reading–Acts 2:1-41 (day six)

God confused all those gathered at the Tower of Babel by introducing new languages. They  had insisted on staying together, building a tower to the heavens, and making a name for themselves. That is not what God had commanded; “fill the earth and subdue it,” he said.

The Holy Spirit’s arrival during Pentecost is another reminder of the eternal purpose of God, to advance His Kingdom, to fill the earth and subdue it. The Temple courtyard was full of Jews who had traveled from many nations, and by the power of the Spirit, each heard the Gospel in their own language (not confused), and many believed and were baptized. Peter did not have them build a tower, or insist that they stay in Jerusalem and start the first mega church, no they returned home; they went out bearing witness to Jesus. You can’t get any more Holy Spirit-strategic than that. God is committed to advancing His Kingdom out, not up. Our tendency is to be preoccupied with building towers, but God isn’t. It would help us if we thought the same way. Out not up.

The Work of the Holy Spirit

Re: Verse reading–Acts 2:1-41 (day four)

God had placed the nation of Israel at the crossroads of the world.  At the Day of Pentecost, there were devout men from every nation under heaven present.  God had assembled His band of ambassadors to carry the gospel around the world.  The Holy Spirit spoke through the disciples so that every man heard the message in his own native tongue.  The message each man heard was of the mighty deeds of God.  Immediately, the Spirit began to give insight and understanding of Scripture.

Today, we look for and attribute many deeds to the Holy Spirit.  Lest we forget though…the Holy Spirit leads people to God.  Evangelism is the work of the Holy Spirit.  In our electronic age of internet and social media, we have an even greater opportunity to spread the gospel to every nation under heaven.  God used Israel’s position at the world’s crossroads to distribute His message…how will he use our church to be His spokesman in the center of our city?


Re: Verse reading–Acts 2:1-41 (day three)

“They have had too much wine.” It is a feature of this universe that what one looks for, he will find.  One might say, “Well I looked for financial wealth and didn’t find it.”  Ah, but what is actually being sought in the search for money is a zero-sum world—and whether you find riches or not, you certainly find that world.  So again, you find what you seek.  If you decide to explain events by ruling out some things in advance to satisfy an anti-miracle bias, you seek a miracle-less world, and that’s the world that will be your home.  God’s Spirit could blast a city with sound and light and super-human abilities, and some will call it a bender.  What do your explanations reveal about what you’re seeking?

Piercing Power

Re: Verse reading–Acts 2:1-41 (day two) 

“Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart…” – vs. 37

What is the power of the gospel fueled by the Holy Spirit? It is the power to pierce the heart of anyone who hears. Consider that these people who were pierced were only a few verses earlier accusing Peter and the others of being drunk. How do you go from callously dismissing someones ramblings to being utterly convicted by their testimony? That is the power of the Spirit. Jesus said that it was to our advantage that he go away so that the comforter might come (John 16:7). Do not think that your testimony lacks power. Jesus used ordinary men. He still does. His message can still pierce the heart of the unbeliever. Who will go and tell the world his story?

All flesh

Re: Verse reading–Acts 2:1-41 (day one) 

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams”–v 17-18

Pentecost was what God promised!  What John predicted.  What Jesus prepared us to receive. (See John 20:22)  The blessings of God’s Spirit poured out on all flesh!   Not “all” in the sense of “every”, but “all” in the sense that no one is excluded by gender or age or social standing.  Sons/daughters.  Young/old.  “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”–Romans 10:13.  Whoever is saved will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit–Acts 2:38.

In the Old Testament era, the Holy Spirit came to a small, selective group of people.  In the New Testament era, the church age, He comes in power to ALL OF US.

Taken up into Heaven

Re:Verse reading–Acts 1:1-14 (day seven)

“My first account. . .(was) about all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day He was taken up into Heaven, after He had, by the Holy Spirit, given orders to the apostles.”–v 1-2

We call it the ascension.  An amazing end to an amazing life.  (And not actually the end–that’s the point.)  As the disciples watched, Jesus was physically lifted up into Heaven.  (Please see the stained glass window on the East end of the Great Hall)

To meditate on this truth is to expand your mind. Jesus is still alive!  Still a man.  Sitting beside the Father– counselor, Son, Sovereign and intercessor.  As active in the world as ever!

Please notice.  Before leaving, the LORD (He takes this title seriously) gave ORDERS to the Apostles. (Every text repeats this emphasis.  See Mark 16:19, Acts 1:9)  His absence will not mean loss of momentum.  He will act (until He comes) through us!

Waiting, Pt. 3

Re:Verse reading–Acts 1:1-14 (day six)

“And gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised.”–v 4

Both Pastor Don and Aaron have written about waiting this week. I figured I would have a go too (no need to excuse the pun). Jesus told his disciples they must wait for what the Father had promised, the Holy Spirit. They had to wait because they had no power of their own to fulfill God’s eternal purpose, to be witnesses, to make disciples, or even to teach (Matthew 28:20).

We on the other hand have no need to wait. We can go. We must. Why? Because the Holy Spirit has already come. We don’t even have to guess what God wants us to do. He has told us and he given us His Spirit. Stop waiting. Go.

Can I Get a Witness?

Re:Verse reading–Acts 1:1-14 (day five)

The power of the Holy Spirit promised in Acts had a very specific application to the believer- to be a witness for Jesus. “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses…” . There is both great comfort and clear direction in Jesus’ words. When the power of the Holy Spirit has influence in us and through us, we become witnesses, not merely advocates. We have the capacity to speak and share with the firsthand experience of someone who has tasted and knows who Jesus really is, and what he has done. So, begin to think how you can share the answers to these questions: “What did Jesus do in me when I became a believer?” “How did I change?” “What is Jesus doing in me now, because I know Him as Lord and Savior?” “How am I being changed?”  We can tell the world from our personal experiences the reality of the Living Christ. The promise is this power and witness will take the message of Christ to the ends of the earth.