Re:Verse reading–Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-58, 8:1-5, 26-38 (day one)
“Do you understand what you are reading? “–8:30
In 1975, Bill Hybels started Willow Creek Community Church in a west-side suburb of Chicago. A church designed to be “seeker sensitive”–aware of the questions and concerns of people who do not yet know the Lord, with church activities and services shaped around the mindset of “seekers” (Hybel’s word).
In AD 33, Deacon Philip gave us a different version of being sensitively aware of “people not yet reached”. Both seeker sensitive and Spirit sensitive, Philip got near enough to the Ethiopian Eunuch to hear him reading scripture (aloud, as was the ancient practice) and offered help in interpreting the meaning. Brilliant. Kind. Considerate. Philip’s offered friendship became, for this man, a door into light and life.
MANY are “white unto harvest” said Jesus in John 4, prepared by the drawing work of the Spirit. Are you being sensitive to them? Are you ready to speak when your opportunity comes?
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“Seeker-sensitive” is a great approach to reach those who are not yet Jesus’ followers. This “seeker-sensitive” should be linked with “culture-sensitive” and “needs-sensitive”.
I recently had a small group discussion on the study of Job. One of the questions led me to touch on the concept of cultural awareness. We can grasp the opportunities to reach them and to influence them in accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. “Seeker-sensitive” and “Spirit-sensitive” go hand-in-hand when we find that cultural awareness-and-needs-identification opportunity. What attracted me to follow Jesus, not because I felt I was a sinner and needed God’s Kingdom, but I found that God’s principles would be what I needed to enhance the quality of life and to seek a true purpose for life and work. I was seeking authenticity of the Bible, the meaning of each verse and what were its application in both personal and professional world. I have conducted my life on principles alone and I found God’s principles are the foundation for organization, management and leadership, for building a better person, and effective relationship with others. I did not believe that Jesus helped me to be successful but He was the model for my success in life; and God’s principles were the principles I needed to become more successful on both fronts.
Understanding the wants and needs of unbelievers can help draw them to Jesus. We follow others because we admire them for things that we lack. Jesus is my model of success.
As I understand, He went out of His way to get close to those He wanted to reach. He spent time with them, spoke their language, taught them in a way they could understand, and kindly challenged them to follow Him. If we can apply Jesus’ model, we can be more successful to bring unbelievers to follow Jesus! There are plenty opportunities to reach out. Our long-time friends gave us the Bible and were sensitive to our needs of wanting to learn, to grow, and to succeed in life. Be sensitive to potential seekers and the Holy Spirit will do all the work. God bless!
I found this Q&A helpful. It explains the terminology between Seeker-sensitive and Seeker-friendly. There is a difference.
When we are sensitive to people and culture, opportunities for meeting the mind, the soul, and spirit are unlimited! We can reach and meet to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ more successful. It is a huge task but doable! God is the one who will enable us and provide us with the spiritual leadership skills! I am convinced!!