Re:Verse reading–Acts 4:5-31 (day four)
We see it so often today…leaders, or at least perceived leaders, promote their own agenda, regardless of the facts. Facts have no bearing on their pre-conceived plan of action. ‘Truth’ is what they decide is ‘truth’. The religious leaders in Acts 4 admitted to themselves that a noteworthy miracle had taken place. They wanted to suppress the truth though, in order to maintain their control and authority over the people. Here they were, religious leaders, and they proposed a solution that put them in direct opposition to God.
Have you ever found yourself in that position? In opposition to God and His Word…all the while claiming to be serving Him? The work of the Holy Spirit is to give us clear and precise understanding of God’s plan and will for our lives. When we lose sight of the truth, we have that wonderful thing called repentance. Repent and turn to the promptings of the Spirit and the Truth of God’s Word.
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I guess most of us may have seen proposed solutions or policies that do not reflect the problems or issues that the proposed solutions were intended to address or to alleviate. Policies or certain practices sometimes were formed without considering all the facts due to emotions and the desire to control the outcomes for personal, economic or political gain.
Fear factors are to blame: fear of abandonment, fear of embarrassment, fear of losing friendship, fear of losing a job or a position, fear of losing control and authority, and so on. Fear controls one’s heart and decisions are made based on fears alone.
I hope that we all are blameless and upright and our actions reflect our Christian beliefs, our core personal values and philosophy. I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us to turn around and turn to God as soon as we discover that the direction we are traveling is in opposition with God’s will for mankind. I am convinced that when “Fear God” is our goal, we will be on the right path for eternity victory.
When we make a decision or propose a solution, I hope that we ask ourselves if what we are about to make is of God’s will or our will, God’s way or our way. Stop and think and choose God’s way. We will not regret that we do! God bless!
Decisions are made every day. And decisions we make can build or break the relationship and the organization. In line of this topic, I would like to share with you, the readers, the article I wrote and shared on a professional network!
Phuong Callaway’s insight: How do you make decisions? Which mental model are you using? Are you aware of your personal bias or prejudice? What tools or strategies are you using? Have you looked out for other factors and other people’s frames and compared to your own frame? Have you used the right frame to provide the right solution? Have you assembled a diverse group with diverse background to help you see issues and help you frame the right response or the right decisions? Have you sought to understand your stakeholders and understand what the underlying issues are? Have you provided effective solutions to a particular problem?, and what makes you an effective decision maker? Have you made mistakes in decision-making due to your own mental traps or blindness? Please share with me the tools you have used in making a decision.
What Are Your Frames of Making Decisions and Why?
Decisions or proposed solutions that are not taken into account all the facts, all internal and external factors will doom costly for the organization and the people who work in that organization!