Judgment Day

Re:Verse Passage – Matthew 25:31-46 (day four)

Scripture told us it would happen.  Jesus will return in all of His glory.  He was despised and rejected by men, but He will return as King and Judge.  Those that receive His favor are those that have served others.  Notice that they did not even know when they had done it.  Serving was a natural outgrowth of their love.  They served, as a matter of course, those who were in need.  The selfish group, the unrighteous, had been so self-consumed, they did not even see the needy.

We often get so busy and so self-absorbed, that we fail to see those around us in need.  Ask God to open the eyes of your heart to see and act in compassion.  When you are in a love relationship with the Lord, you will not only see the needy, you will serve them.  Draw near to Him…the Lord’s pleasure is on those who serve.  (P.S. – Is there anything else in Scripture that you have not paid attention to?)

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Judgment Day”

  1. Great post and great insights. I could not agree more, We often get so busy and so self-absorbed, that we fail to see those around us in need. Ask God to open the eyes of your heart to see and act in compassion. When you are in a love relationship with the Lord, you will not only see the needy, you will serve them.

    Life is so fragile and tomorrow is not promised. As human beings, we should also open up to ask God to let us see our own needs and vulnerability or ask God to open the eyes and hearts of those around us to see our real and urgent needs. The needs may include emotional or psychological. We should be humbled to ask for help too when we have tried our best on our own but failed!

    A little help and attention may transform a life. It is the heart that counts! No one is poor from sharing God’s resources. Start paying attention, spread love and give a helpful hand to those closest to us and our surroundings first, one by one; and together we can close the gap on the war for reaching out to the needy and for advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    What is your definition of the needy?

    Phuong Le Callaway, PHD, CA

  2. “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others and if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”
    – Dalai Lama

    Very wise indeed!

    Phuong Le Callaway, PHD, CA

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