Re:Verse reading–Matthew 25:31-46 (day one).
It is a day that Jesus talked about often. We, His followers, are well served to think about that day with similar frequency. No official name. Jesus just described it as the moment, “When the Son of Man comes in glory, and all the angels with Him.”–v 1.
At His first coming, He was clothed with humility. At His next coming, He will shine with undeniable glory. At His first coming, angels sang. At His next coming, angels will stand with Him in military strength.
Is your life calibrated against this great coming event? Does the promise of this coming day give urgency to your service? Do you think of it when you pray, ‘For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the GLORY?”
“”Behold, He is coming in the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn.”–Revelation 1:7
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This blog does remind us the urgency for followers to follow Jesus and the final judgment when Jesus returns. Our surroundings will be peaceful and joyful when we act and behave as Jesus did. Together, we can make a difference in our surroundings.
What can we do collectively to help the needy, the disadvantaged and the sick? Why wait? What are the barriers that prevent us from following Jesus and by following His examples?
Please do not let Satan win the war for Jesus. Satan works against Jesus; and as His followers, we must defeat Satan. Love one another by knowing and satisfying one’s needs and reach out to others who may and have the resources to help others meet their basic needs, to help the disadvantaged and the sick. Reach out and follow Jesus’ examples as tomorrow is not promised.
There is an urgency to act as God demanded of His followers! Time is of essence. Fight hard for Jesus and do not allow for Satan to win. We all want to be in God’s kingdom! All needs will be met, no more humans with disadvantaged, no more sickness! I will try to do my part. Will you?
Phuong Le Callaway, PHD, CA
I feel an urgency for service! How is about you, my fellow blog readers? I hope I will see Jesus on This Day or I can meet Him in person before This Day! This Day that Jesus talked about often!
My heart is full of joy as I know we can follow Jesus by loving one another as Jesus loved and still loves us. The world is huge; and as individuals, depending on our resources and our God’s given talents, we can serve in little steps. Serving can be expressed in various forms but nothing is more important than following one’s heart and passion in service. Follow Jesus by spreading love, hope, and joy to our loved ones and friends, and our surroundings! I hope we all can discover where the needs are or go find them! We may save a life! We may help take a family member or friend out of darkness to lights, or from a depression stage to a hopeful future!! I am determined to reach out! Will you?
Phuong Le Callaway, PHD, CA