Re:Verse Passage – John 15:9-17 (day seven)
It is a familiar idea. Unique “Jesus-way-to-think”. A revolutionary pattern for moral choice. Humans are to do “just as” God does.
Like playing “follow the leader”. Like dancing with a partner (letting Him lead). An earlier generation called it being “godly”. We are to imitate God in thought and action. Intentionally. Carefully. We do what we see Him doing.
“Just as” the Father loved Christ, Christ loved the disciples. v 9. “Just as” Jesus kept the Father’s commands and thus lived in His love, so the disciples were to mimic this toward the commands of Christ. v 10. “Just as” Jesus loved us, we are to love each other. v 12.
Seeing a pattern? Moral choice is not made in a vacuum. We are not lost in a elastic universe vainly searching for certainty, satisfaction or safety. The pattern for life is already established. God is the model. We are to be “just as” He is.
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I totally agreed, “The pattern for life is already established. God is the model. We are to be “just as” He is.” God created us and the earth ? and as His children, we ought to follow Him so we may have a rewarding life! Who does not want a rewarding life? Following His lead is a safe and smart choice!!
Phuong Le Callaway, PHD, CA
“I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I don’t know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will NOT ask, How many good things have you done in your life?, rather he will ask, How much LOVE did you put into what you did?”~ Mother Teresa
Remember to add some LOVE into what you do! The LOVE flavor scares Satan away!
Phuong Le Callaway, PHD, CA