
Re:Verse reading–Genesis 4:1-16; 25-26 (day five) 

God allows “life” to continue even in the fallen world (our current world included) outside the garden. There is opportunity for faith in this broken world.

What insights can we gain from Genesis 4 about faith?

Faith THANKS God for His provisions- Eve’s words in verse 1.

Faith FOLLOWS the Lord and His wisdom- Abel’s sacrifice included blood, He remembered and repeated God’s pattern in Genesis 3. (Hebrews 11:4 references Abel’s faith)

Faith continues to LEARN AND SEEK the Lord even in failure- The good news from this passage is that God comes to Cain (verses 6 & 7). The Lord is trying to encourage and teach him.

Faith TURNS FROM SIN AND DISOBEDIENCE back to God- Cain didn’t learn this lesson. He instead, flashes with anger and continues to turn away from God.

Faith is DEPENDENT on God- At the and of the chapter (verse 26) it would seem that the line of Seth would begin to call on God in a regular way- trusting Him for physical and spiritual needs.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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