Re:Verse reading–Genesis 3:1-7 (day five)
This section of scripture we read and study this week is one of the most important in the whole Bible. These six verses are chocked full of truths and insights to many of the foundational doctrines of our faith. Arthur Pink describes Genesis 3 as the “seed-plot of the Bible”
What can we learn? What is to be discovered about God, mankind, the enemy, sin?
Sin: The effect of sin in Genesis is still seen today- man seeking to run away from God. The divine account is given for the ruined condition and current state of the human race.
The Enemy: The devil is subtle yet strategic in his schemes.
Mankind: Humans are powerless to walk in righteousness without God’s grace and presence. The natural tendency is for man to cover his moral shame by his own handiwork.
God: His attitude towards the guilty sinner is grace and love. He provides a solution to restore the broken relationship between God and man.
Looks like there’s good news in the midst of all the sin, shame, and uncertainty!
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