Feet first

Re: Verse reading–Mark 15:33-41; 16:1-8 (day seven)

“But go, tell the disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee.  There you will see him.”–16:7.

It is a pattern with God.  A struggle for me.  “Walk now, see later” whispers the Spirit. Obedience before confirmation.  Feet first.  Eyes second.

I am learning this lesson again.  Like the disciples, I find myself on the threshold of a new chapter.  Exciting.  Unfamiliar.  What I think I need is to see the Lord.  To hear His assurance.  What I actually need is to get forward to the place that He is telling me to go.  When I get there, He will meet me. He promises!

“Certainly I will be with you, and this shall be the sign that I have sent you; when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God on this mountain.”–Exodus 3:12

Go and then you will know!  I value assurance.  He values obedience.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “Feet first”

  1. Thank you Brother Don for “Feet First”. I’ve found it extremely hard to do. When we joined last year it ended our 15yr search for a church to not just attend but to be able to
    Serve. I gave the Lord tons of excuses not to come. It was too far to drive, it was close to downtown, I’d never be able to find a parking space, the members would be better dressed & unfriendly. The list seemed endless. Then Kristin ran across the Singles on FB. She said let’s go just once. I prayed and I asked God, please anywhere else but First! After our first visit I prayed and told God ok I went but I can’t move my membership to FBC. We don’t know anyone, we had just joined another church so much closer to home, even though we were miserable! And you were stepping down. I didn’t want to go through the Trinity experience again. After all the wondering & all the time I spent making excuses I knew this was where God wanted me to be. This was where he wanted me to serve, not just attend. He had a job for me to do and I needed to just go! As only God knows, it just takes me a little longer than most to do his will. And for now I’m doing what he asked. For the first time in a very long time, I’m praying more and really love mentoring at Lamar. I’m blessed to have a Heavenly Father that is patient with me as I learn once again to follow wherever he leads. And equally blessed to have a pastor who provides opportunities for all to serve if we’ll just go and trust that God’s already worked everything out. God Bless

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