Re: Verse reading–Mark 14:43-52; 15:1-15 (day four)
These words could define all of Jesus’ life…”but this has taken place in order to fulfill Scriptures.” (v. 49) There had be ample opportunity to have arrested Him earlier and the religious leaders thought they had made their own careful, precise plans, but prophets had prophesized long before that these events would take place. In Psalms, Isaiah, Zechariah and even by Jesus Himself, the actions of the leaders were foretold. God was in complete control of history…it all happened according to His vast plan.
Have you ever felt that your life was out of control? Events were happening that you could not understand or change? As we become more like Jesus, we can begin to recognize God at work. A Christian worldview gives a completely different perspective of world events than you will hear on the news. Filtering events through the lens of Scripture brings new focus and understanding. Maybe we can come to the point of saying with Jesus…”but this has taken place in order to fulfill Scriptures!”