Re:Verse reading–Mark 9:14-29 (day two) And He said to them, “This kind cannot come out by anything but prayer.” vs. 29
Take time to be holy, Let Him be thy guide, And run not before Him whatever betide
This verse from the much loved hymn speaks volumes to each of us who are seeking after God’s will. Whatever your assignment, whether vocational or avocational, Jesus has called each of us to play some part of kingdom building. With so many gifts and resources it can be very exciting to stand on the precipice of a program or a calling and dive right in, only to realize in our excitement we somehow forgot to pray. We got ahead of God. Likely this was not our intent, but even with our best intentions we can never run ahead of his plan and timing. Take time, set yourself apart, and do nothing without prayer.
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Thank you Aaron for this reminder to “do nothing without prayer.” So simple but so easily forgotten.