Re:Verse reading– Mark 6:1-13 (day four)
Jesus and His disciples went to Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown. They had been all over teaching, healing, and doing wonderful miracles. As the people of Nazareth heard Jesus preach, they were amazed. They were also jealous and unbelieving. “Wasn’t this the carpenter’s son whose family lives right here among us? Who does He think He is, anyway?” As a result of their unbelief, scripture says that Jesus was unable to perform any miracles. He could only heal a few sick people.
It is not as if Jesus was not powerful enough to do the miracles or did not have enough authority to accomplish them. Apparently, God has chosen to work through the faith of men in order to do mighty things. In the absence of any faith, Jesus could do little.
What if that is true today? What if God chooses to limit His work in a city, or state, or nation or home, because of the unbelief of the people? Could God’s church be the cause of a lack of power being demonstrated in a city? Will we trust in the Lord and release the power of God among the people?
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