
Re: Verse reading–Revelation 19:11-21, 20:1-10 (day six)

Satan is bound, but we are free. By “we,” I mean the Church. The powers of hell will not/cannot prevail against it! Ironically we don’t always live free. Often we hesitate to talk about Jesus to others out of fear, or we fail to see how the Gospel changes all of our life at home and at work. We live as if we are bound, but we are to live free, and with authority to fish for men.

This morning, or afternoon, take the time to examine your own life. Do you live free? Or do you live as if you are bound? And remember Satan has no authority (any longer) to accuse or condemn; he has no power over you. You are a child of the King; now ask God for the grace to live like it!

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

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