Re: Verse reading–Revelation 17 – 18 (Day four)
The great city of Babylon represents the spirit of worldliness…the spirit of wealth and power…merchants taking advantage of the greed and fear of buyers to enrich their own pockets…deception and fraud for the purpose of personal gain. There will be great mourning on behalf of all who have partaken in this immorality and idolatry. When God brings judgment, there will be great lament.
Do the conditions of the end times sound familiar today? Have you witnessed a culture that gives hearty approval to this distortion of God’s provision? Chapter 18 says that in a day, it will all end. God’s judgment will come swiftly and finally. Scripture says all the nations have been deceived…the great leaders of the world have fallen for the deception of Satan. Those whose names are written in the book of life will stand apart…holy and separate for God. Guard carefully against envious eyes…place your trust in God’s provision.
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