Re:Verse reading–Revelation 7 (day one)
“These. . . have come out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”–v 13-14.
It is not unusual for me to use my difficulties as an excuse for spiritual or moral failure. I had a rough day. I am frustrated. The implied argument? I not responsible for being grumpy or ungrateful or unfaithful. Sound familiar?
The narrative of scripture allows no such escape or excuse. All believers ( in every age) have had tribulations to face and conquer. “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God”–Acts 14:22. The cross I carry is not unique and mild compared to that of others.
Struggle is not the story! Christ is! He is worthy to RECEIVE, receive from me, and no level of difficulty can ever change the fact that my robe, my actions, my ambitions, my choices must be washed white in His blood.