Re:Verse reading–Revelation 6 (day three)
“They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!” Sound familiar? We’ve heard this before–in Genesis. Those who want to keep on thinking about the universe in the same way will always attempt to hide themselves from God. The underside of a rock or the interior of a cave now becomes preferred real estate. The intimacy of the echo chamber holds greater appeal than the intimacy of the confessional. Which place do you seek?
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“The intimacy of the echo chamber holds greater appeal than the intimacy of the confessional”…..brilliant, for all that is self-serving is the place where I hear only my thoughts–my words–my wisdom. Or the world’s, perhaps. The Creator and Lord of the universe is excluded by the “insulation” I lay down in order to enhance my selfishness.
May we shed that insulation, Seth. But it’s difficult, and I’m afraid.