Star power

Re:Verse reading–Revelation 2:1-11; 3:1-6, 14-21 (day seven)

I believe the seven stars in Revelation 1-3 represent seven pastors.  Seven men (we never know their names) who were called by God for a certain period of time to feed and lead a congregation of His people.  Seven men to whom the Risen Savior communicated His concerns and commands, with the expectation that they would faithfully and courageously pass them to His people.

In the vision, they are symbolized as stars.  Tiny spots of light in a dark sky.  None of them noteworthy “in and of themselves”.  Taken together,however, and over the long history of the earth, a beautiful display of faithful testimony and service.

Modern churches sometimes make “stars” of their Pastors.  Celebrities.  “On stage” personalities.  God has a different vision.  He values them as men to whom He has given responsibility–for His word and His flock.

He holds them in His hand.  A sweet reminder of this calling and privilege.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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